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You are Weird

IHNED po uhrazení objednávky si můžete stáhnout e-knihu.

Dostupnost: e-kniha IHNED ke stažení
99 Kč
99 Kč
This moving and compelling story, which is based on real events, will touch both your heart and your desires. The extraordinary life of identical twins Ben and Adam; this story will take you through the paths of their life, which are soon headed to the very imaginary top of wealth and success. Where do the boundaries of moral purity begin and where do they end? What can still be said aloud and about what should we rather keep quiet, so that our society isn't offended?
Informace o sortimentu
Druh sortimentu eKniha
Autor Oliver Heyn
Značka Lukáš Vik
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Počet stran 309
Interní kód 0408261
Produktový manažer Barbora Cigánková (
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